2013 workshop 2

The workshop "Food and biomass production - a challenge and chance for rural development" was chaired by Marijan Susnjar (University of Zagreb) and Carmen Socaciu (USAMV Cluj-Napoca)

Challenges and threats on agricultural land and soil capacity production :
    1. increase in world population
    2. the loss of the best agricultural soils through human impact
    3. changes of lifestyle, with increasing demand for food, increasing the demand for grain
    4. production of bioenergy
    5. changes in the world economy, impacting food security through the increase of speculative     performances
    6. climate change
Potentials of agriculture and forestry in  biomass production.
Bioenergy crops.
Miscanthus x giganteus and Arundo donax L. – fuel properties (heating value, ash content, moisture content). Results indicated that both species could be used as biomass energy crops in the Republic of Croatia, with a significant and environmentally friendly contribution to energy needs.
Miscanthus giganteus – advantages for biogas production with steam explosion pretreatment. Model for determination of the specific methane yield of Miscanthus giganteus.
Cultivation and fertilization of Salix viminalis and Robinia pseudoacacia bioenergy crops, investigation into the influence of different soil treatments (different fertilizers), nitrogen concentration in leaves, wet weight of trees.
BtL plants based on straw supply chain in Austria – 2 different models: the 1st model is based on non-existent competition, and the 2nd model is based on existent competition. Both scenarios show the cost advantage of the decentralised processing concept, with central synthesis plants and decentralized pyrolisis plants.
Smart use of small-diameter hardwood (SDH) – seven generic wood chains were defined, differing in processing and use of materials. Use of SDH can improve wood-based value chains in terms of resources and energy efficiency, added value, and contribution to the labour market.
Wood chip harvesting system (from felling to chipping) – case study in forest culture of Pinus strobus L.. Model for calculating productivity and to calculate costs of production, focus on wood chips quality – bulk density, moisture content, particle size distribution.
Use of saline water for crop irrigation in the mediterranean coastal region – case study on Vicia faba L. Saline irrigation water and its effect on the element accumulation in bean plants, no significant interaction between salinization and soil organic matter was revealed.
Potato diseases – disease control with natural treatments. The bactericidal effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of selenium enriched garlic.
Internal defects in hens eggs – heavy metal excretion. Conventional and alternative farming systems.
Posters have covered the following topics:
-    Biomass production
-    Second generation biofuels
-    Fuel pellets
-    Different aspects of food production
-    Effect of food production chain on the economic aspects of countries in the region
-    Factors regulating organic matter and soil microbial biomass in vineyards



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